Farmer Support Centers

Few people may have heard of open-source agronomy – but it’s crucial to the future of coffee.  

“Open-source” means sharing information, while “agronomy” means “the science of soil management and crop production.” And we believe in doing just that. For years we’ve been sharing our research, tools, best practices and resources with growers around the world – whether they sell to us or not. 

To help today’s farmers face challenges to their sustainability, we operate Farmer Support Centers in key coffee-producing countries around the world, from Costa Rica to China to Guatemala to Rwanda. There, farmers get free access to the latest findings of our top agronomists, including new varietals of disease-resistant trees and advanced soil management techniques. 

The goal is to build upon traditional growing methods to help farmers continue to improve both the quality of their crops and their profitability, ensuring the future of high-quality coffees for everyone. 



Our first Farmer Support Center opens, in San José, Costa Rica.


Opens Farmer Support Center in Kigali, Rwanda.


Opens Farmer Support Center in Mbeya, Tanzania.


Opens Farmer Support Centers in Manizales, Colombia and Yunnan, China.


Opens Farmer Support Center in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


Opens Farmer Support Center in North Sumatra, Indonesia.


Opens Farmer Support Center in Chiapas, Mexico


We announce our goal to train 200,000 coffee farmers in sustainable growing practices by 2020.


Opens Farmer Support Center in Varginha, Brazil.

keep exploring
